Saturday, March 11, 2006

A New Kind of Charity (Call Me Ishmael)

I'm reviewing the IRS tax publicatation on charitible contributions, and came up with one I hadn't considered before. From Publication 526 (I'm not making this up. How could I?), it says:

Expenses of Whaling Captains
Beginning in 2005, you may be able to deduct as a charitable contribution the reasonable and necessary whaling expenses paid during the year in carrying out sanctioned whaling activities. The deduction is limited to $10,000 a year. [...]
Whaling expenses include expenses for:
• Acquiring and maintaining whaling boats, weapons, and gear used in sanctioned whaling activities,
• Supplying food for the crew and other pro-visions for carrying out these activities, and
• Storing and distributing the catch from these activities.

Let's see.... I'd like to help out a charity... I could give to some group like my local house of worship, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the War Amps, Amnesty International, or something like that. Nah, I think I'll just go kill some whales instead!!

1 comment:

dfv said...

What a bizarre inclusion. One can only hope the Government is doing this to finance the phase-out of whaling from marginal or non-sustainable areas. Not that money donated is money spent on the same cause. So, have you spent up to your limit?