We had a bit of damage to our siding. I don't know if it will be worth it to check with our home insurance or not, but I suppose this should be fixed.

In addition to tearing up our screens and chipping off some paint, it broke our doorbell!

We had a bit of rain, too.

Perhaps we'll discover even more damage when the sun comes up.
Wow, that's an intense hail storm! We didn't have anything like that down here. I heard thunder rumbling overnight, around 3:30am, and I could tell this morning that we got a lot of rain overnight, but as far as I know we didn't get any hail. Since I sleep with a white noise machine, a storm has to be pretty intense for me to notice it.
Wow. I have never seen any damage like that from hail before. I would DEFINATELY check with your homeowners insurance. That looks like the siding needs replaced. Did the van get damaged too?!? Scarey!
Yeah, there definitely are dents on the cars, too. But they still drive OK, and we don't have the kind of insurance to cover that kind of damage, so we're not going to worry about it.
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