Last year, my son's class in school participated in "
The Flat Stanley Project", where they make a paper "doll" (for want of a better term) named Stanley and mail it to a friend in some exotic locale. Stanley spends some time with the recipient, where he learns about life in his location (as much as the recipient cares to record) before being returned to his home. It sounds like a neat way for youngsters to learn about other locations.
This year, a friend in Georgia is participating in Flat Stanley, and we are (or really, my son is) hosting him. Except it's not Flat Stanley, it's Flat Logan. This afternoon, we thought we'd take a trip downtown and show Logan around. Here's Logan hitching a ride in my pocket:

And no afternoon excursion would be complete without a snack now, would it?
Is that Georgia the country or Georgia the U.S. state? I assume Georgia the country, but I guess there are parts of Georgia the U.S. state that could be considered "exotic".
Sorry about losing your comment in the other post. In the early days of this blog, I had a similar problem. Maybe I should sell my stock.
As for which specific Georgia was on my mind, you should know by now that sometimes I might (or might not) use more colorful adjectives than the situation really requires.
Wild hat Dave.
P.S Away in Perth for 4 weeks leaving tommorrow.
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