Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My First External Blog Entry

Due to being on vacation, the proprietor of the djl zone was unable to post the message he wanted to today, and asked me to do it. I was excited and honoured to be given authority to post to someone else's blog, instead of just my own. Actually, he just said that he wanted a photo posted, and gave me the freedom to add any words I felt appropriate. Actually, I had difficulties with the Greymatter interface. It seemed to only allow lines of a certain length, and then would add [BR] tags at the end of each line. All-in-all, it was a little annoying, but I hope the result treats the subject with the appropriate respect.

Here's the post: Remember May 4, 1970

I had wanted to add the following Wikipedia link, but wasn't able to get the HTML to work out: Kent State shootings.

1 comment:

djl said...

Thanks for posting that.

I guesss maybe the Greymatter interface takes some getting used to, but I appreciate you posting that.