Monday, May 02, 2005

Big-Time Big-Money College Football

I just passed up the opportunity to buy two tickets to see my favorite big-time college football team play a home game against a conference opponent. At a face value of $61 per ticket, they're finally "too rich for my blood". What else could I do with $122? I could:
  • Feed some homeless people for a long time.
  • Feed my family for a long time.
  • Invest it in my retirement account and have lots of money when I retire.
  • Probably a lot of other good stuff. If you have any ideas, leave a comment.
So, I'll just watch the game on TV.

Big money goes around the world...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you think $120 could buy your kids food for quite awhile. Just on groceries, we would spend that in less than a week (though admitedly we spend more on optional items - three kinds of bread anyone?). $120 would be very much appreciated by the Libertarian party I imagine - or the Promise Keepers. Or, it would buy one of those fancy coffee makers. Or a magazine subscription. Or a cheap flight ticket somewhere? -DFV