Monday, May 29, 2006

Vanity Plate Tips

As I was biking today, I noticed a Porsche with a vanity license plate. The plate said "PORSCHE". Come on! You can do better than that! I mean, where's the imagination? Do you forget what kind of car you're driving and so need to put it on the license plate? If you want to use reverse psychology, what about "YUGO"? Or maybe something like "SCHNELL" would be more appropriate.

As another example of a good vanity plate, consider the woman whose plates read "BOO HOO". She drove a Saab.


dfv said...

I am a mental midget. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite vanity plates I saw in a magazine back in the late 80's or early 90s. It was on a Toyota MR2 and it read:


Anonymous said...

I agree with "PORSCHE" being a lame, because too obvious, choice.

I also find SCHNELL to be an obvious choice, however. The Porsche drivers really do drive schnell in Germany.

How about UR2SLO4ME?