I wanted to find a specific old photo from many years ago. The problem is that, given the (lack of) organisation of my old photos, it was at least an hour-long undertaking. I never found the one I'm looking for, which I'll call "The Car Bust" photo. Maybe Mike has it, and maybe I took it out of the collection earlier and did something with it. While searching through the photos, the following were of some interest. Going backwards in time...
First, here is Mike at the Hôtel Karukera in Montréal, a few days before The Car Bust.

When showing this photo to my daughter and telling her it was an old photo of me, she asked if I was the head in the right foreground.
No respect, I tell ya!
"One sock up, One sock down" was the trademark of my youth (if not my entire life).
Love those stripey trousers Dave! Feel free to fill me on the Car Bust story (if you haven't already).
In that last photo, it looks like the Patriots vs. the Jets. I can't make out the logos on the helmets. The red team looks like they're wearing the Patriots' old (Steve Grogan era) uniforms.
It's the Jets and the Broncos. The team with the ball has orange jerseys, though with the variables of fading of the original image, the scanning, and the settings of your monitor, they may look red.
The Redskins & Patriots wore the maroon jerseys of the mid-1970's NFL Redskins.
The Jets' helmet logo is based on the NFL Jets' helmets from ~1980, except that it was probably designed by someone's not-very-artistic mother. I don't know what is on the Broncos' helmets
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