Monday, April 24, 2006

Biking "Weigh In"

One thing that I use a blog for is a handy place to keep notes to myself. This is one such post. However, since nobody wants to read the details of my weight, I'll use an encoded numbers.

Today was the first day this year that I bicycled to work. When I do that, I use the showers in the Fitness Centre there, along with taking my weight at what I assume is a reliable scale. Despite the desire of my geeky nature, I will not keep and post a spreadsheet where I can graph my weight by day. However, I do want to record my weight at the start of the "biking to work" season. We'll call today's weight "10". This compares to the 2005 "bicycling to work" season's starting weight of "8" and ending weight of "11".

I don't have any particular weight goals or resolutions, and I'm not making any here. Like many people, it certainly wouldn't hurt me to lose a bit of weight. So, it might be nice to get down to "5". It would also be nice to avoid getting up to "15". Dropping it to "0" this summer would likely take more of a behavioural or dietary change than I'm willing to voluntarily make.

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