Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Traditions #2: A New One

Inspired by the Bob Rivers tune, "I Am Santa Claus", the lyrics of which include,

Sees every move you make
Better be good for goodness sake
Leave him cookies and beer
He'll be back to your house first next year


dfv said...

You are a cruel man. Deliberately disguising the beer label so I couldn't comment.

P.S Did Santa consume the beer and produce left out for him this year?

poutineq said...

It's a Molson (pretty standard stuff -- not exactly Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter or anything). I didn't want to turn the post into a beer commercial.

While Daddy Claus was thirsty, he was also stuffed from all the food earlier in the day, since the in-laws were visiting. So, not all of the cookies were consumed.

poutineq said...

I sent a quick e-mail to Mr Rivers. I mentioned this post and tradition, and asked him if he got hundreds of e-mails like mine. Here's his response:

Yes I do. Thanks and Merry Christmas.