Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Working? Or Pulling Teeth?

In yesterday's entry, djl commented about the time he realised that he'd rather be having a root canal than working. I personally am not the sort who will tell you how much he hates his job. But let's see. Yesterday,
  1. I got up at the normal time for that day, skipped breakfast at home, and drove my daughter to her before-school flute lesson.
  2. I then drove to Tim Hortons, where I had a leisurely breakfast of a bagel, cinnamon roll, small coffee, and a glass of water (that's a lot, but I should have ordered more) as I read a novel (The Time-Traveler's Wife).
  3. Next, I headed for the dentist's office, where I had a relatively fast, interesting, and painless procedure.
  4. I headed home, where I took care of some bills, and then surfed the 'Net for a while, including playing some online chess.
  5. In the afternoon, I lounged around and watched a bit of the "star & director commentary" version of my "UHF" DVD.
  6. Later in the afternoon, my wife went out, did some errands, and brought me home a large milkshake and ice cream. How nice.
All-in-all, would I rather have a typical day at work or a day like the above? If only I wasn't always replacing the bloody gauze pads in my mouth. But still... What do you think?

BTW, it wasn't a space issue as much as a quality issue. Wisdom teeth can deteriorate faster than normal teeth, and this one was in a position where it didn't do much chewing, was difficult to brush, and would only get worse.


Anonymous said...

I would definitely rather be working! Actually, unless it's a holiday, there's some special event going on like a big football game, or I have something specific to do, I've found that I tend to get bored when I stay home from work. That's one reason I rarely take sick days, even when I'm sick and probably should stay home. I have a lot of vacation days I have to take before the end of the year, and some of them will be standard weekdays. I'll probably use some of them to play the JES College Football Fantasy Tournament games, but maybe I should try to catch up on some of my reading.

dfv said...

I enjoy my work, but I'd much rather have a day around the house pottering. Tidying up the mess in the spare room, going through old photos, playing a bit of piano. Having a nice lunch outside whilst reading a novel. The only time I hate being at home is when I have a big all-day task to perform (i.e like levelling out a big section of the garden - like I am about to do). Only then would I rather be at work.