Monday, January 31, 2005

International Kid #2: Aussie Mite Sandwich

As I've mentioned before, my kids (including 4-year old T) make school and work lunches for all of us on work/school evenings. Once a week is Bowling Day, so I have been leaving work to pick T up from preschool and drop her off at the bowling alley where she can meet up with the wife. Rather than taking up an hour of the work day to do this (time I have to make up) we're going to let her stay after preschool for an hour and have the wife pick her up after bowling. As a part of this extended preschool care, we need to send along a lunch.

So, of course, T was really excited about getting to make a lunch for herself as well as helping with everyone else's! And, what did she chose to make for herself with no prompting from anyone? I was rather shocked, but she started to make herself an Aussie Mite sandwich! I helped her to make sure she didn't glob too much on there. I'm sure the teachers won't know what it is. I hope it goes OK.

Aussie Mite, for those not in the know, is a product similar to Vegemite, except not as good. I have some left over from our trip to Australia last (northern) summer. I'd add a link to the web site listed on the Aussie Mite jar ( but that site seems to not exist.

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