Almost 11 years ago, I used my insurance settlement from the totaling of the short-lived
LTD, plus a little more, and bought an over-priced '89 Dodge Omni for $2500. I was attracted to the car, since it didn't have anything on it that could break, like an automatic transmission or a radio. Since I expect a car to last 1 year per $1000 paid, I'd say we got our money's worth. We put on about an additional 100,000 miles, but this is another car that didn't quite get up to
200,000 miles.
We've probably owned it about a year too long, but it still runs, despite the bad habit of stalling when stopped, or just when the clutch is depressed. We've been advised that it would likely cost more to repair it than it is worth, so (effective late last year) it has been donated to charity.
I hope that they can get something positive out of it.
See if you can make out the old stickers.
(DFV, I still feel bad about your Akron Experience in this car.)
*Sniff*, I remember riding to many an Ohio State football game in that car. Speaking of donating old cars, you can also donate them to public radio stations. WVXU runs a spot reminding listeners they can donate their old cars to them. It seems like I hear this spot every day. WVXU runs it so often that it's starting to get a bit annoying.
I have some fondish memories of this car also. When it left me stranded in the carpark of Akron University, with water gushing out everywhere, I decided it was fate that I should never sleep a night in Cleveland, and that I would spend the time with Mike Snyder instead. I'm pretty sure I had it towed to a gas station, where it was repaired by the evening, and I drove it to Mike's nearby - is that when I went to Canal Park for the Aeros game? I think it might be. That was a great game, and in a great stadium. That was June 26th 2000 on a Monday night. I still have the ticket stub.
Did we take the Omni to Baltimore, Hamilton, and East Lansing?
It's served us well.
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