Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Missing Element in Gasoline Price Discussions

In the news, there have been some stories on the high price of gasoline, which around here seems fixed at $2.999. The illegailty of price gouging is mentioned, as are discussions about making price gouging more illegal. The "man on the street" soundbites are interesting, too, as it's always some guy saying something like, "It's highway robbery, what they're charging. Someone oughta do something about it."

It seems to me there is one missing element in the discussion. If you think that gasoline is too expensive, you could always, you know, use less.

Or, if that isn't possible, then maybe you are indeed up a creek.

1 comment:

dfv said...

Dave, you sound like you've been speaking to Kim. We talk about this constantly. Our car only gets used on weekends now (mostly), because she rides or walks to work now. Of course, we're lucky that we live in the sort of area that makes that possible.