Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Wipe Out!

On the way home from work this evening, I stopped first at the library. On the way home from there, turning north onto Taylor from eastbound Main, I wiped out on my bicycle. (All my journeys today were by bicycle.)

Due to the new grocery/shopping centre (just what we needed) at the intersection of Taylor & Main, the road is under construction and there is a section with a single narrow lane in each direction. I thought I would be nice to the traffic and pop up onto the sidewalk. But I hit the "lip" of the drive into the sidewalk at a bad angle, and there was a lot of loose, fine dirt there. I skidded and scraped up my leg, knee, and shoulder, getting a bit of road rash. I also skidded on my thigh, but my biking shorts seemed to save me from some damage there. The shorts are now worn in that area, with a pinhole on the one leg. Still wearable, in other words.

My Roughriders baseball cap was undamaged. (Or at least not further damaged. It's pretty worn already...)

When something like that happens, there's not much you can do besides hopping back on the bike without even dusting yourself off, and riding home.

No, I won't post photos of my injuries.

On Sunday, I teach bicycle safety to the Cub Scouts. Seriously.


dfv said...

I feel for you buddy! It's just awful to do this when you know you have to face a few horrible nights in bed trying to not get the sheets wet from your sores. I'm ultra careful about footpaths now after wiping out on both sides in 2 crashes a couple of years ago.

poutineq said...

It's a relief to know that I'm not the only person our age that sometimes has trouble riding a bicycle!