Thursday, June 16, 2005

How Star Wars Episode III Could Have Been Better

I saw the latest Star Wars movie last weekend, and I must say that I was mostly impressed. I thought it was quite well-done, especially in comparison to episodes I and II. But, with all the death and carnage, I thought of something that would have made it even better.

Warning: Minor Spoilers Follow

They could have had a scene where Senator Jar Jar Binks falls asleep in his little pod in the senate chamber. Unfortunately for J. Binks, during the climactic showdown between Yoda and Palpatine, Jar Jar is still in the chamber. You can use a bit of special effects and a bit of imagination, but suffice it to say that in the end, Jar Jar Binks could have been another casualty of the fall of the Republic.

Imagine the cheers in the movie audiences if that would have happened.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I thought I'd missed the boat with today's delayed RotS post on my blog. I'm glad to see the discussion continues.

I saw another interesting comment somewhere on the Internet. Jar Jar replaced Amidala as the senator for Naboo due to the threat on her life. His one task was to propose that Chancellor Palpatine be granted executive powers to deal with the war.

This action by Jar Jar is the root event responsible for Palpatine's takeover and the rise of the Empire. You can pretty much trace back everything bad that happens in Star Wars to him.

I think that helps some folks sleep at night...