The other "sporting event" is that a friend is trying to bring back the co-ed softball team at our church, where we play in a community recreational league. My wife and I are an in-demand commodity when it comes to softball, primarily because my wife has some interest and ability when it comes to the sport. In the league we're in, fully-staffed teams play 5 females and 5 males, and it tends to be easier to find males that are interested in playing. In other words, everyone wants her, and I'm just additional baggage. :-)
Our first game is tomorrow afternoon. I mentioned that I would prefer to stay home with the kids while my wife goes to play, assuming that there are enough men to field a team. On-and-off, I've been playing softball all my adult life. I've come to a point where I realise that I'm not very good, and I'm not getting any better. I mean, I'm sure I could improve if I worked at it, but I'm not going to work at it.
I may be young and athletic compared to the rest of my team. But it gets a little frustrating playing against teams comprised of athletes in their early 20's, or just against people who are good softball players in general. I think the best summary of me and softball is this: More than a decade ago, I was playing first base. I don't remember the details of the game situation, but either there were some bad throws that came my way, or maybe some difficult-to-field balls. I also don't remember if I made the plays or not. But I do remember the other team's first base coach say that he'd never seen a player work as hard at playing first base as I was. To which I responded, "You know what they say: The good ones make it look easy."
Another issue is dealing with keeping track of kids who aren't mature enough to keep track of themselves while I'm in the middle of a game (not that I expect it of them at their ages.) In general, I end up putting a lot of pressure on myself. I suppose losing could be a chance to be humble. But, while I still like playing softball at the recreational level, I'll be happy to sit back and let others do the playing.
Since I've been posting a photo with each post lately, here's one from 2004. You're on your own in identifying who is me.

1 comment:
Two quick notes:
1) My time for the 5K was 27:50. This is probably fast for people that never run, but it was 115th place out of 168 runners in the race. However, it was faster than all 18 of the people who registered as walkers.
2) I played softball today. Despite my whining in this post, I did have a good time. Still, I'm not sure I'll play all the time, as long as we have enough men to field a team. I will admit that it is a pleasure to not in charge. When I'm in charge, I feel too much responsibility!
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