Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The End Result

Here's the end result of our recent painting endevours. The photo give an idea of what it looks like, but I'm not sure that it totally does it justice. I'm sure that once we put some photos and posters back on the walls (and put the rest of the furniture in the room) it will be toned down a little more.


Anonymous said...

Still looks super-green to me - I hope the young man can sleep amongst it without having nightmares. -DFV

Anonymous said...

WoW.. That is a bit on the flourescent green side.. BTW... is that your old bed when you were a kid??

poutineq said...

You may not remember, but it was your bed first, after you stopped sleeping in a crib. I think we got it from "Auntie" Mutzu. So, it's kind of a 4-generational bed.