Sunday, September 12, 2004

Blog Templates: What's the Secret?

As you can see, I added two new little sections on the right column of the blog: Currently Reading and Friends' Blogs. To do this, I had to mess with the Blogger template files. I was able to figure it out, but it's the sort of thing that makes plain HTML look easy.

What's the secret? What am I missing? Surely there are some WYSIWYG template editors somewhere that everyone else is using, isn't there? I'm not so far behind the times that I'm the only one that isn't an expert with these blog templates, am I?

So, how come everyone but me has nice, custom-looking blogs? How do you do it? What tools do you use?

Please help.


1 comment:

djl said...

Over at the djl Zone, I use Greymatter.

My template is pretty much just the standard run of the mill Greymatter template.

I'm Blogger-free, which I kind of like. It requires having your own host that provides cgi-bin and such, so it's not for everybody.

Anyway, since I don't use Blogger, I can't really tell you how to personalize your template. Anyone else have any idea?