Saturday, August 07, 2004

The Things You See In The Sky

I try to go camping in a tent with one or more of my children at least once a year. (Yes, I know, this is a pretty feeble goal...) Anyway, last night my son and I went camping in our spacious backyard. (Despite nothing but endorsements by me for Therm-a-rest, I'm a bit stiff today.)

I woke up at 5:00 AM and made a quick trip into the house's downstairs bathroom. When I got out, I was amazed at what was in the sky. It was a clear night, and I noticed:
  • How bright the half-moon made everything. Sure, there was the light pollution of the neighborhood, but I think most of the light came from the moon.
  • What I assume was Venus shining brightly in the eastern sky. (I've never seen Venus there before...)
  • What I have to assume was a satellite floating by. I last remember seeing a satellite at summer camp maybe 25 years ago.
You can notice a lot in the backyard at five in the morning.

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