Monday, August 20, 2007

UK Climate Change Protesters at Nuclear Plant

I don't really know much about this story beyond the headline, but here's an article. Just the headline make me wonder if the protesters are for or against climate change.

There is a lot of negativity surrounding nuclear power, but if you wanted to increase CO2 emissions, wouldn't one way be to ban nuclear?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of negativity surrounding nuclear power, but if you wanted to increase CO2 emissions, wouldn't one way be to ban nuclear?

Of course, but you're making the assumption that people who protest nuclear power are logical. I have a very strong suspicion that most of the people who protest nuclear power are the same people who protest at WTO and G8 summits -- namely, anti-capitalist left wing wackos who won't be satisfied until all corporations everywhere in the world are banned, all personal automobiles are banned, everybody uses public transportation, we all become vegans who produce our own food, and we all live in their dream world of a world government run by the UN. I think these people ought to go live in Cuba or North Korea for a year or two and see how great a government-planned economy can be. Climate change is just a convenient issue for this group to latch onto. You'd think that nearly two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the proven disasters of planned economies elsewhere, communism would be dead. Sadly, it's not. I do hold out hope, however, that I will live to see the day that communism is eradicated.