Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sport That Can Make a Difference

When I first heard of the African Amputee Cup, being played in Sierra Leone, I wasn't sure what to think. I mean, one can react in multiple ways when first encountering the thought of international soccer being played by people missing limbs. But as I think about it more, it seems to me that something like this can represent all that is good about (spectator) sport. I can think of the following:
  • I'm not an amputee, but I assume that it could be emcouraging to amputees to see others competing at a high level.
  • It can be educational to the non-amputees to see what they can do.
  • It can bring attention to the idiotic* wars recently in the region, and the idiotic** practice of hacking limbs off your enemies.
I think the media should focus more on high-level amputee soccer, and less on Anna Nicole Smith.

Here's a photo of Sierra Leone's team:

* I'm sure all sides felt strongly about their positions. I'd use the same adjective to describe just about any war.
** I suppose those doing it could claim it's nicer than killing their opponents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the media should focus more on high-level amputee soccer, and less on Anna Nicole Smith.

I agree. The problem is Anna Nicole Smith brings in the ratings, while amputee soccer doesn't. The only way it's going to change is for media outlets to think that important news is profitable. I don't expect to see that in my lifetime. There's always the web, NPR, the BBC, etc.