Thursday, December 21, 2006

Overtime Dilemma

One aspect about the new job that I like is the opportunity to work paid overtime. A few weeks ago, my manager told me (or implied) that there was some extra money available in the budget that he was authorized to apply to paid overtime, if it would result in progress on work projects. Additionally, overtime has to be worked during the normal work week, on site, and before 7:00pm. (I think I'm allowed to begin work at 6:00am, but there is no way I'm getting to work by then!) But, I was faced with a dilemma -- for budgeting purposes, he needed to know quickly how much overtime I would like to work for the rest of the year.

So, the question is, how much do I value time vs. money. I make enough per hour that each additional hour worked is a good bit of money. But, it's not like I'm going to have anything different or do anything different if I had, say, an extra week's pay. The money would probably go into one of the various long-term accounts. Still, it was also impossible to pass up the offer. At some point in the future, work (and pay) might not be as easy to come by, and I may wish I had that extra in savings.

But, all-in-all, paid overtime sure beats unpaid overtime.

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