Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Day For Legends

This is probably really too many photos for a blog entry. Really, this day should get its own web page, but here it is in the blog anyway. Today, we went to the first ever game of the Canton Legends in the Atlantic Indoor Football League. Canton lost to Raleigh 50-28, as especially in the first half, the Legends' QB couldn't get it together.

On the way, we stopped to see the amazin' Y-Bridge and another county courthouse.

And here is at Mom's House. Yes, that's an old Canton Invaders jersey. I saw one or two others at the game.

The beautiful Civic Center:

I really should figure out how to quickly normalize photos so that they look better. Maybe someday soon, I will. The announced attendance was about 1,700. More people were sitting on our side than the other one.

Below is the soon-to-be world-famous Slappy.

1 comment:

poutineq said...

Regarding the attendance, my mother said that the radio reported 1,700, but the Repository reported 2,500. So I don't know who's right. Was the first figure inaccurate? Or was the second wishful thinking?