Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Homeless Dude or Long Distance Runner?

Over on Ye Olde Facebook, I scrolled by an image of a man with a haggard, but determined look on his face.  I remember he had a short, graying beard, and was dressed for cold weather.  I thought it was somebody I didn't know on a running group, posting a selfie after a long run in cold conditions.  Instead, it turned it to be part of an advertisement for a charity to help our neighbours in need (which sounds like a good idea to me).

Maybe I should get some more photos and make an online quiz: "Homeless Dude or Long Distance Runner?"

Friday, December 25, 2020

Egg Sausage Soufflé

 Pronounced as in English, "souffel".  In my mother's handwriting:

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Rocky VI Photo

Just looking for a place on the web to keep a copy of this photo.  I hope it works.