- I'm busier now. Not only do I have my own activities, my kids also now have things to do. I suppose I could have missed my son's football game today (or hit the road immediately following it), but it didn't seem worth the effort.
- It doesn't seem to be a high priority for the folks I'd like to see at a reunion. I figure that the people I would most want to see are the people that I already keep in touch with. A few months ago, I e-mailed all of my fellow classmates that I could remember seeing, speaking to, or writing within the past 5 years (not counting those from alumni band). I basically said, "Let me know if you're going to the reunion. I'll go if you do." Nobody said that they were going to attend the reunion. I'd suspect that maybe people were trying to avoid me, but they didn't attend previous reunions either.
No offence meant to those that were there. As I said above, I'm thinking of people I've seen in the past 5 years outside of alumni band. And I did attend alumni band this year after missing it in 2004. One high school thing in the course of a few weeks is enough.

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