Opening shot: Everyman (Steve Martin? Someone younger?) is minding his business, reading the morning paper in his hotel lobby. Samuel the waiter (Jim Carey? Mike Myers? Someone who can act?) is having a slow day in the restaurant, and suggests Everyman try some breakfast, focusing on one particular item. Everyman leaves, but is followed by Samuel, still suggesting breakfast.
The movie turns into a chase, as Everyman is pursued through house, hiding place, and countryside, with farm animals getting involved as well. First they're in an automobile, but soon, they're on a locomotive.
The "big scene" involves a huge collision between the locomotive and a ship. All along, Samuel is advocating breakfast and Everyman is declining it.
While floating and facing certain death, Everyman breaks down and tries some of Samuel's breakfast. To his great surprise, he loves it. The whole chase was an unnecessary waste.
Miraculously (and strengthened by breakfast), they reach shore. Everyman's joy is now complete.
In case you couldn't figure it out, this would be a live action version of "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss. I think it can be made into a cool movie. Or at least it can't be any worse than "The Cat in the Hat". Surprisingly, IMDB doesn't have a movie version of this story. The closest is "Green Eggs and Hamlet".
Hey, it could work.
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