For the second year in a row, the numbers of miles I've ridden has gone down. I may ride a bit more, but I'm not going to top my 2003 distance.
| Distance Ridden (miles)
| 1168
| 855
| 700 (so far)
Motorcycle riding was also off for the year. I kind of make 1,000 miles my goal for the amount of miles I ride on my motorcycle, but this year's total was only 410.

Hey Dave - I don't see a pump anywhwere. Don't tell me rode all that way without one? -DFV
As for my own yearly tallys, I know I did 4700k in 2003 (About 3000 miles I think), and about only 1300k this year (I didn't start riding until July, and have spent mid-Sept till now overseas). I just bought a new computer (with cadence - yippee) for my road bike, so it officially shows as 1 mile ridden in the U.S. In reality it's been more like 150-180. My last major ride is this coming Saturday morning, and after that I'll have to pack it up into a box for transporting. See you in 9 days time.
Yep; I don't have a satisfactory pump. For a ride like TOSRV, I am counting on a nice fellow rider to have a pump and lend me a hand. Yes, I know that's not the best approach. I suppose it's the cheapskate approach.
Also, the distances above don't include riding the Warburton Trail!
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